(Português) (Inglês)


The idea of creating a “Pandemic dreams Archive” arises as a need to invest in dreams, in sleep, in the deceleration of time. We are living a path imposed by the virus, It makes us rethink our existence.

The collective unconscious brings us daily images, thoughts, overlays of signs that the acceleration of our productive life, just before the pandemic, was increasingly ignoring. Operating now with this dream language is a way to open space for another understanding of subjectivity and how it is responding to the collapse of current standards.

The unconscious also acts in the network, a network much older than the internet, it is not for nothing that traditional cultures (indigenous, gypsy, aboriginal, mystical, esoteric, heretics and religious) see in dreams the possibility of unraveling mysteries, deciphering puzzles, building thoughts, communicate and understand the world.

When we give up this language, we extract from our daily lives a living source of communication that occurs not only between humans but also between humans and the world, between humans and things, the human and other species.

When Davi Kopenawa says in his book “The Falling Sky” that “whites don’t know how to dream, they only dream about themselves and their goods”, he is warning us that our lack of relationship with dreams impoverishes the world, dries up a spring of powerful communication, diminishes our potency of existence.

It is in this sense that we think of creating a Pandemic Dreams Archive, to activate our unconscious networks, invest in dream language, create space for subjectivity and for build research at the same time.

Our proposal for this project is to produce an analysis of the participants’ dream signs, using psychoanalysis and schizoanalysis techniques through the insertion of dreams in a specific set of operational techniques that uses languages such as:
1) creating maps – making geolocalized cartography of dreams, through dream hashtags;
2) using bots, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to promote the exchange between dreams, creating derived dreams through machines;
3) what environments, characters and situations these dreams are bringing us when dissected by programs like PLN (Natural language processing – the same type of programming used to make dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.).

This work articulate scientific and imaginary data, since the process of collection of dreams to the final result. In addition to the scientific results, it also proposes to be an artwork – collective and communal.

We have been working with this type whit dreams for about 5 years with a program called “Hijacked Futures X the AntiHijacking of Dreams”  an immersive methodology that aims to bring dreams as a communicational language and is concerned with their translation and mapping.

This program has already been conducted in several countries and one of its characteristics is the translation of dreams into artistic and computational languages.

We are collector dream/dreamers : Fabiane M. Borges, Erick Felinto, Lívia Diniz, Rafael frazão, Tiago F. Pimentel 

Here reference text of our work – “Hijacked Futures X the AntiHijacking of Dreams” by Fabiane M. Borges –

Fabiane M. Borges, Lívia Diniz, Rafael Frazão, Tiago F. Pimentel
DIVERSITAS/USP, INPE – National Institute for Space Research, LABEA – Living Arts and Ecology Laboratory, Associação Actantes,
La Escocesa – fábrica de creación
São Paulo / Brasil, Montpellier / France, Barcelona / Spain,,,

Technoshamanism – Social Clinic for the Future


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